Monday, May 19, 2008

Welcome to the neighborhood

Saturday was a meet and greet party with my neighbors on the street. They turned into a welcome party for me. What a blast! I'd bet anybody I've got the cutest, fiesty-ist bunch of 70 - 80 something's living around me in the whole city. There are other younger folk too, of course. But I can't wait to have Mamie and Myrtle, not to mention Myrtice, Miss Mamie, and Miss Ernestine all over for dinner. I was informed that there used to be a "neighborhood club" that would meet every so often at someone's house. But the club had never been held at my house. Guess I'll need to resurrect it sometime this summer and host a club gathering.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I cannot wait to hear of your adventures with the wise women of your neighborhood! You just know that they are a treasure trove of knowledge, history, lore, and even a lil' gossip!