Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Shake Up

Wednesday, August 1

First, I'm being a lazy bum right now.

And I've turned my running plans all around. Decided to drop training for a half in Sept. that I can't really afford to travel to anyway. (Sorry Teresa!)

Instead, I'm going to do the Kiawah Island Half on Dec. 8 with some hometown friends.

And I'm going to try to do one qualifying 10K this fall to try to get subseeded (and chip timed) at the Peachtree next summer. (must run a 54 min race).

And I think I'm going to train for my first full in at the Country Music Marathon in Nashville in April 08.

Throw in the ING Georgia Half Marathon for hometown spirit and training, and some shorter races for fun and I feel much better about the running year ahead.

Why? I'll have people to train and run with for the Kiawah (and split travel expenses). If I don't get the time I want in the Sept. 10K, I've got plenty of time to try again. Lots of folks here train for the Nashville race, so I have a hope meeting some training partners. Trying not to be so solitary with the running, though I'll need to keep my share of solo runs for my own sanity.

So now, I need to re-orient my workouts/running schedule.

And that ends the most boring post ever!!


Teresa said...

Oh stop - it wasn't boring! Certainly not the most boring ever.

No worries about Philly! Believe me, I completely identify with the financial issues. I did let out a little sob on the thread, but you can ignore that. It was just me being dramatic.

Karen said...

I'm sad too! But it started feeling like something I could force.

It probably is a really boring post, but I needed to sort it all out.

Maybe I can entice you DBF down my way for a race next year!

Maria said...

It wasn't boring at got alot lined up! The half on Kiawah sounds parents and sister were just talking about wanting to vacation there.

I hear ya on the travel expenses. Its amazing how it all adds up!

Viv said...

Not boring in any sense. You have a full race schedule. I feel you on the travel expenses I am only traveling for 3 hours and already saving a lil of my weekly stash for the hotel, cause I gotta make a weekend out of it. Looking forward to following u through ur race journey this year.