This morning was a charity 5K that benefits my agency. A "voluntary" work day, as such. So I signed up to run, fully expecting to show up and complete it and that is all - given my uber slack attitude toward running.
Then yesterday, I made the mistake of opening the results from last year to realize I placed 4th in my age group. And they give medals to places 1-3. Why oh why did I look at that? Cause of course I had to try for that #3 spot.
Mile 1 was 8:05. Then mile 2, with a long hill, my low mileage and low hydration and general lack of "give a damn" showed up and I struggled. Even walked for 1:11. (this is important). Got myself together before Mile 3 began - blessedly downhill Mile 3. Paced myself well, kicked my speed up enough but not too much so there was something left at the end.
Finished at 26:24, almost 2 min. under my time last year. Filled out the little card and went to drop it in the box for my age group at the same time another woman did. But there were already 3 cards in there. #4 again. Should I kick myself for walking at all? Should I be glad to do well even unprepared? I would have had the medal in the next age group -- so I'd better get faster or older for next year.
I think you time rock!!! I aspire to do a 5k in that time...your an total inspiration!!!
That is a fantastic finish. I don't even want to think of the time you would have had if you were "prepared"...That was awesome! I hope your settling into the house nicely.
It matters more that you went out there and pushed yourself and got a great finish time!
Congrats on getting out there and doing it, even though you weren't as prepared as you would like... you'll get 'em next time!
That's a lightening fast time in my book! I'm astounded that you did it with more than a minute of walking, but getting 4th isn't as fun as medaling for sure.
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